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Fwd: Summer field paleontology camps

Forwarded on behalf of Dr. Darrin Pagnac...

Good morning all.  Once again the Museum of Geology at the South
Dakota School of Mines will be hosting a number of field paleontology
camps for college credit.  Here is a breif rundown...

This camp is the option for college credit, ideal for undergraduates
and graduate students.  For a non-credit, family or tourist oriented
option, contact the Museum of Geology.

Fossil Lake Oregon â May 10 to 21 Join the Museum staff to collect
Late Pleistocene (Ice Age) fossil vertebrates, at Fossil Lake, Oregon,
one of the most prolific fossil sites in North America. Activities
include both leisurely and strenuous tasks and participants should be
in good physical condition.  Coordinated by and with permission of Dr.
James Martin.

Giant Fossil Sea Reptiles from the Late Cretaceous Western Interior
Sea â August 2 to 13  Join this expedition in South Dakota, to search
for and help collect Cretaceous marine reptiles, particularly
mosasuars and plesiosaurs.  Activities include both leisurely and
strenuous tasks and participants should be in good physical condition.
Cost includes transportation at the site and field supplies.
Coordinated by and with permission of Dr. James Martin and Mr. David

Little Houston Quarry  July 12-23;  and July 26-August 6.Join this
camp to work at a Jurassic quarry site near Sundance, Wyoming with
paleontologists from the Museum of Geology to excavate bones of
Allosaurus, Apatosaurus, Camarasaurus, and Stegosaurus.  Cost  include
supplies, handouts, and transportation to the site from Sundance,
Wyoming.  Coordinated by and with permission of Museum of Geology

Here is a link to the registration site:


We offer non-credit, five day options for families as well.  For more
information, please contact the Museum of Geology at (605) 394-2469
and ask for Heidi.

Darrin Pagnac
Haslem Postdoctoral Fellow
South Dakota School of Mines
501 East Saint Joe
Rapid City, SD  57701
(605) 394-2469

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