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Re: Climate change vs BANDits
I don't think the science of man made global warming is as settled as
birds are dinosaurs.
You can't think about stuff you don't know. You should go out less and
read more. :-)
Too many ex vice presidents and environmental loonies involved for a
What do I care whether Al Gore is fat.
I'm not aware of a country other than the US of A where manmade global
warming is a political issue. Elsewhere, it's a _scientific_ issue. As
in "peer-reviewed primary literature".
Then there are so called scientists refusing to publish their data
and refusing to comply with freedom of information requests.
Climategategate: the scandal of quote-mining an enormous number of
purloined e-mails and not even understanding what the quote-mined
snippets mean.
For instance, the alleged refusal to publish data is a misunderstanding
of the following two facts: 1) the scientist in question doesn't own the
data and therefore doesn't have the right to publish them -- addressing
such requests to him is simply a mistake; and 2) the data are already in
the public domain. Just download them. There are four independent series
of measurements in the public domain, and all show warming, warming,
warming, warming.
All this is documented in detail. For most of December and January,
there were several posts on it on http://scienceblogs.com per week, and
they all got a lot of traffic.
Not to mention the coldest winter for decades.
This decade is the warmest on record.
I repeat: this decade is the warmest on record.
More required reading: http://realclimate.org,
http://scienceblogs.com/deltoid, and first of all
http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/science/nature/7092614.stm -- the latter
explains how science itself is biased against "climate skeptics".