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Re: surface/volume ratio and water loss in smallest amniotes
A minor note: Wind isn't always disadvantageous to small creatures. Many
insects use wind for dispersal. All a mosquito has to do is climb high enough
and it can experience relatively cost-free transportation for tens of
So the lack of bites might sometimes be due to the fact that the mossies are
waiting in line at the airport.
-Jonas Weselake-George
On Thu, 11 Feb 2010 11:46:51 +1100
Dann Pigdon <dannj@alphalink.com.au> wrote:
> The following paper requires payment to access, but would certainly answer a
> few questions about
> water loss in small birds (especially hummingbirds):
> Robert C. Lasiewski 1964. Body Temperatures, Heart and Breathing Rate, and
> Evaporative Water
> Loss in Hummingbirds. Physiological Zoology, Vol. 37, No. 2 (Apr., 1964), pp.
> 212-223
> http://www.jstor.org/pss/30152332
> This next one is freely available and suggests that for pigeons at least,
> cutaneous water loss
> outstrips respiratory water loss while in flight (although the reverse is
> true at rest).
> Gilead Michaeli and Berry Pinshow 2001. Respiratory water loss in free-flying
> pigeons. Journal of
> Experimental Biology 204:3803-3814
> http://jeb.biologists.org/cgi/reprint/204/21/3803.pdf
> I'm not sure how this research would translate to non-avian creatures though,
> given that avian
> integument and respiration is quite different to that of other creatures.
> --
> _____________________________________________________________
> Dann Pigdon
> GIS Specialist Australian Dinosaurs
> Melbourne, Australia http://home.alphalink.com.au/~dannj
> ___