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Re: Actual name of Dinamation Museum
Could it be this one ? The adress given is that of the society, but
not that of the "museum", seemingly (after Google Streetview).
2010/2/10 Augusto Haro <augustoharo@gmail.com>:
> Hi all,
> Not being in the U.S., I ask for the correct name of this institution:
> "Wyoming Dinamation Society Museum, Boulder", for citation of the
> specimen of a quadrate illustrated in the brontosaur killer paper by
> Bakker (http://www.mnhn.ul.pt/geologia/gaia/10.pdf).
> I cannot see the citation of the city in which the museum locates in
> the paper, and found it is in Boulder according to a Google search.
> However, I have doubts because Boulder is in Colorado, and the museum
> name includes the word Wyoming. In addition, Bakker indicates the
> fossil belongs to the museum of that society, and I do not know if the
> society has extensions in different cities.
> Thank you in advance.
> Augusto Haro.
Jocelyn Falconnet