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Re: More evidence of dinosaur colors

If anyone recalls the paper referred to, please send me the citation. Presumably this was done using other techniques?


Saint Abyssal wrote:
--- On Mon, 2/8/10, Dan Chure <danchure@easilink.com> wrote:

From: Dan Chure <danchure@easilink.com>
Subject: Re: More evidence of dinosaur colors
To: dinosaur@usc.edu
Date: Monday, February 8, 2010, 7:14 AM
Some time ago there was a short paper
on the origin of ichthyosaur skin impressions which described them as bacterial mats that just preserved the outline of the skin. Close up examination of the skin showed abundant, close packed, rod-like bacteria. In light of this new paper, I wonder if those might not have been misidentified and careful restudy might reveal something about the colors of those ancient marine reptiles. Might this study technique also be applied to that collection of soft body weirdos known as the Burgess Shale fauna?


Don't know the source, but I've heard there was a study on this exact subject. Apparently 
the conclusion was that the specimen was "toroise-shell brown" in life.

~ Abyssal