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Re: More evidence of dinosaur colors
2010/2/7 Tim Williams <tijawi@yahoo.com>:
> This last point (startling small prey) reminds me of an idea I had a few
> years back regarding the short wings of _Caudipteryx_. I wrote:
> "Basal oviraptorosaurs (_Caudipteryx_, _Protarchaeopteryx_, _Incisivosaurus_)
> also have procumbent teeth. These critters might have included arthropod prey
> in their diet. One idea of mine (completely untestable, and so not worth a
> jot) is that these theropods used their wings and feathered tails to flush
> insects out of small trees into the open, like some birds do today (wagtails,
> etc)."
> http://dml.cmnh.org/2007Apr/msg00313.html
> At the time, the idea of reconstructing the colors of plumage in fossil
> theropods seemed like science fiction. But now... maybe the idea is not
> *untestable* any more. The 'wagtail' hypothesis is certainly not as wacky as
> it sounded back then.
Sorry Tim, but what makes your wagtail hypothesis more testable, or
more or less wacky, now than in 2007?
Not that I can mind arguments to oppose to it, except perhaps for EPB
(I suppose it is not present in the most basal Recent Neornithes,
although I cannot assure the presence/absence of this feature in