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Re: More evidence of dinosaur colors
Guy Leahy wrote:
> Oh, this is *so* cool:
> http://www.sciencemag.org/cgi/content/abstract/sci;science.1186290v1?maxtoshow=&HITS=10&hits=10&RESULTFORMAT=&fulltext=dinosaur+color&searchid=1&FIRSTINDEX=0&resourcetype=HWCIT
Unlike the Nature article, this article offers some very interesting ideas for
possible behaviors that could use feather coloration:
"Alternatively, bold plumage color patterns can function in
interspecific threat and defense postures (e.g., some owls or
sunbittern, _Eurypygia helias_), in startling predators or
warning conspecifics within a flock (15), or in startling
invertebrate prey which are seized as they attempt to flee
(e.g., North American _Setophaga redstarts_, Neotropical
_Myioborus_ whitestarts, and Australian _Rhipidura wagtai_
(16, 17)."
This last point (startling small prey) reminds me of an idea I had a few years
back regarding the short wings of _Caudipteryx_. I wrote:
"Basal oviraptorosaurs (_Caudipteryx_, _Protarchaeopteryx_, _Incisivosaurus_)
also have procumbent teeth. These critters might have included arthropod prey
in their diet. One idea of mine (completely untestable, and so not worth a jot)
is that these theropods used their wings and feathered tails to flush insects
out of small trees into the open, like some birds do today (wagtails, etc)."
At the time, the idea of reconstructing the colors of plumage in fossil
theropods seemed like science fiction. But now... maybe the idea is not
*untestable* any more. The 'wagtail' hypothesis is certainly not as wacky as
it sounded back then.
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