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RE: Playin' Yer Banji

I understand, but the way *Mei long* works is effectively a uninomial broken 
into two, rather than any attempt at a Latin phrase. Any time at this poin that 
thye same naming convention is ued as in *Mei*, I will exect the exception in 
intent will prove greater than any attempt to parse it into Latin/Greek.


Jaime A. Headden

"Innocent, unbiased observation is a myth." --- P.B. Medawar (1969)

"Human beings, who are almost unique in having the ability to learn
from the experience of others, are also remarkable for their apparent
disinclination to do so." --- Douglas Adams (Last Chance to See)

"Ever since man first left his cave and met a stranger with a
different language and a new way of looking at things, the human race
has had a dream: to kill him, so we don't have to learn his language or
his new way of looking at things." --- Zapp Brannigan (Beast With a Billion 

> Date: Fri, 5 Feb 2010 21:54:47 -0500
> From: npharris@umich.edu
> To: dinosaur@usc.edu
> Subject: Re: Playin' Yer Banji
> Quoting Jaime Headden :
>>   Names *Banji long*, from a nearly complete immature skull and
>> mandible (IVPP V16896). Etymology refers to the striations (ban) on
>> the nasopremaxillary crest (ji), and translates as "striated crested
>> dragon."
> Well, it would translate that way if they had combined all three
> morphemes into a single generic name. Since the 'dragon' part is the
> specific name, which always either modifies or stands in apposition to
> the generic name, it means something more like 'striated-crest: a
> dragon'.
> --
> ****************************************************************
> Nicholas J. Pharris
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