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Pakasuchus dentition - second try

Dear all,

I asked this question about 10 days ago, but it probably was not
noticed because you were all busy arguing US politics...

So I try again, hopefully with more luck:

looking at the nature paper on Pakasuchus, I could not find an answer
to this very simple question (may have overlooked it), so I ask you experts:

If occlusion in Pakasuchus and relatives was mammal-like, were teeths
replaced in mammal-like fashion also or were they replaced more
frequently? If the latter, how was occlusion ensured with re-growing
teeth? Ot were there gaps at some places in the dentition?



                   Priv.-Doz. Dr. Martin BÃker
                   Institut fÃr Werkstoffe
                   Technische UniversitÃt Braunschweig
                   Langer Kamp 8
                   38106 Braunschweig
                   Tel.: 00-49-531-391-3073
                   Fax   00-49-531-391-3058
                   e-mail <martin.baeker@tu-bs.de>