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Re: If you had a time machine...

On Thu, Oct 1st, 2009 at 5:42 AM, Rob Taylor <rjtaylor68@comcast.net> wrote:

> I can recall seeing a
> nature 
> documentary some time back... It was long enough ago that I no longer
> remember what animals were involved, but the gist was that one animal
> was 
> capable of locating a food source, but could not physically get to
> it, so it 
> would lead another more agile critter with similar tastes to the
> bounty. The 
> latter would retrieve the food and consume its share, but also leave
> a 
> portion behind in a location accessible to the former, thereby
> ensuring that 
> the relationship would continue.

There are probably several such ccoperative relationships between species. The 
one that comes to 
mind immediately though is that between Prodotiscus insignis (the honey guide 
bird) and Homo 


Dann Pigdon
GIS / Archaeologist                Australian Dinosaurs
Melbourne, Australia               http://home.alphalink.com.au/~dannj