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RE: You know what we need? a "Walking ...

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Damn!! No good. It's happening everytime I switch to "PLAIN TEXT".
What to do?? Can anybody read morse code?? --dale

> Date: Mon=2C 28 Sep 2009 18:48:47 -0700
> From: soylentgreenistrex@yahoo.com
> To: dinosaur@usc.edu
> Subject: Re: FW: You know what we need? a "Walking ...
> Dude=2C what the heck happened to your post?
> It looks like your text got crossed with
> a cash register display. Urgh.
> Can you fix it so I don't have to edit
> it to read it? Tanx.
> ? ? ?
> --- On Tue=2C 9/29/09=2C dale mcinnes
>> From: dale mcinnes=20
>> Subject: FW: You know what we need? a "Walking with Dino-Birds" docu
>> To: dinosaur@usc.edu
>> Date: Tuesday=2C September 29=2C 2009=2C 1:10 AM
>> Content-Type: text/plain=3B charset=3D"iso-8859-1"
>> Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
>> MIME-Version: 1.0
>> People!! people!! people!! That's what happens when
>> non-palaeos
>> take complete control of all the marketing in our
>> field.=3D20
>> =3D20
>> Let me put it another way. Since the late 60s'=3D2C for
>> nearly 4
>> decades now=3D2C space exploration has had so many sci-fi
>> series
>> devoted to that genre=3D2C they are uncountable and doing as
>> strong
>> as they ever have. The reason is quite simple. It is not
>> just the human dra=3D
>> ma but the fact that the producers try to push each
>> new series to the edge of the current scientific envelope
>> of what's possibl=3D
>> e. And in SPACE=3D2C so much is unexplored that
>> Producers find themselves wi=3D
>> th a near bottomless=3D2C inexhaustible supply of ideas. Each
>> series on
>> space exploration seems to be a FRESH and NEW approach to
>> old ideas.
>> =3D20
>> Now take palaeontology. A fresh=3D2C new approach seems to be
>> something that =3D
>> was on the leading edge 20 YEARS AGO!! But how
>> would you possibly make palaeontology FRESH and NEW??
>> First=3D2C
>> by NOT dragging out the same animals=3D2C the same
>> scenarios=3D2C time
>> and time again. Good grief folks!! Let it rest. We have
>> what??
>> 550 to 700 my of vertebrate evolution to draw upon?? Over
>> 160 my of dinosau=3D
>> r history?? The only scenarios that I can envision that
>> could possibly give=3D
>> SPACE melodramas a real run for their
>> $$$$$$=3D2C would be for Producers to begin a sci-fi series
>> on a
>> palaeontological time voyage with a "lost crew" whose
>> personal
>> stories would not eclipse the drama of the palaeo
>> environments
>> that they would find themselves involved with.=3D20
>> =3D20
>> Take a long term approach. Forget the bottom line. Produce
>> a series that wo=3D
>> uld create a scenario that would place the audience in a
>> single STAGE of ge=3D
>> ological time for 2-3 episodes=3D2C before moving on to the
>> next STAGE. Explo=3D
>> re everything we currently know of the palaeobiota of that
>> STAGE and not be=3D
>> afraid to push the boundaries. The series at once becomes
>> immensely educat=3D
>> ional as well as dramatic. Every week night the
>> audience is constantly in suspence of what is going to take
>> place in the ne=3D
>> xt STAGE. The Mesozoic alone would cover years
>> (23 episodes/yr). NO MORE of this "Everything there is to
>> know in verte-pal=3D
>> aeo" in one episode. Do you ever see any series on SPACE do
>> this?? It simpl=3D
>> y shows a lack of interest/knowledge on the part of most
>> Producers.
>> =3D20
>> Within each 3-episode STAGE=3D2C the actors would explore
>> nearly
>> everything we know (from flora to fauna=3D2C from continental
>> to
>> marine and aerial environments: if you were interested
>> primarily
>> in pterosaurs=3D2C each STAGE would follow their evolution
>> back ----
>> you would ALWAYS be interested in "catching" the next
>> episode so
>> as to not miss anything on the cotinuing drama with these
>> aerial
>> denizens).
>> =3D20
>> Such a series is best left to child actors with the
>> innocence
>> (?sic) that such a series deserves. Palaeo would be in
>> front of
>> us every evening=3D2C once a week=3D2C holding its own=3D2C with
>> =3D20
>> And for once. The public might actually learn about the
>> true depth and plac=3D
>> ement of time!! --dale =3D20
>                                         =0A=
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