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Re: storing a food source
2009/9/17 David Krentz <ddkrentz@charter.net>:
> This thread took an interesting turn, but one that is probably more factual
> than the kind of info I was originally looking for. I guess what I was
> after, besides fat stores, was 'hoarding' behavior, you know, like a
> squirrel storing nuts for the winter etc.
Well, as far as I know you have laniids, which are predatory
passeriforms, which impale their insect/small tetrapod (including
frogs, mice, and smaller passeriforms) prey on spines/broken branches
in trees. I do not know if they can survive winters with this, nor if
other birds store for long time. If you meant reptiles in its
paraphyletic sense, then I do not know...