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Re: SVP/SVPCA Annual Benefit Auction and Social

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Howdy from Wyoming!

I would like to encourage everyone attending this year's annual meeting of the Society of Vertebrate Paleontology and Society of Vertebrate Palaeontology and Comparative Anatomy to add AT LEAST one item for the auction in their luggage. We need as many donations for the live and silent auctions as possible. No item is too small nor unusual. These may include fossil replicas, books, reprints, artwork, toys, and t-shirts. Use your imagination. Fossils will not be accepted. If you don't have something in your possession that you wish to part with, go to [strange line break in the original] one of your local stores and pick up some fun prehistoric animal novelty items. In addition, unusual or eccentric items are always encouraged. Remember, SVP Auction donations are tax deductible. This year's event promises to be a great evening, full of entertaining auctioneers and loads of items that you can't live without. For more information, visit the SVP Website.

To donate, please go to the SVP Website and download the Auction Donation Form. Download the Auction Donation Form. As always, there will be a place at Registration in Bristol to drop off your donated items.

Remember to pack light and leave room in your bags for those one-of-a- kind items. This year's auction proceeds will go to the SVP Preparators' Grant fund and to the SVPCA Jones-Fenleigh Memorial fund (to provide bursaries for attendance to the SVPCA meeting).

For more information on the SVP/SVPCA Auction, contact:
Brent H. Breithaupt
E-mail: uwgeoms@uwyo.edu

Thank you in advance for making the SVPCA and 27th Annual SVP Auction a great success. See you in Bristol in the Great Hall on Friday, September 25, 2009 from 8:00- 11:00.

Brent Breithaupt
Chair, SVP Auction Committee

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