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Re: Pterosaur take-off movie on the NG site - minor question
Very nice animation - finally, all the dsicussions in the past on this
list are much easier to understand.
I have one minor question/quibbling with the animation: When the body
leaves the ground and the wings are raised, I would expect the
backbone (center of mass of body without wings) to drop down sligtly
due to upwards acceleration of the wings - and perhaps also due to air
resistance of the wings. Is this effect so small that it can not be
Priv.-Doz. Dr. Martin BÃker
Institut fÃr Werkstoffe
Technische UniversitÃt Braunschweig
Langer Kamp 8
38106 Braunschweig
Tel.: 00-49-531-391-3073
Fax 00-49-531-391-3058
e-mail <martin.baeker@tu-bs.de>