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RE: I Can Do New Papers All By Myself
Jerry Harris wrote-
> Bell, A., and Everhart, M.J. 2009. A new specimen of Parahesperornis (Aves:
> Hesperornithiformes) from the Smoky Hill Chalk (early Campanian) of western
> Kansas. Transactions of the Kansas Academy of Science 112(1/2):7-14.
Note that contra this paper, the bird genus Hargeria (Lucas' new genus for
Hesperornis gracilis) was not preoccupied by the crustacean genus Hargeria.
Lang placed a species of leptocheliid tanaidacean Leptochelia rapax (named by
Harger, 1879) into the new genus Hargeria in 1973. Lucas named the bird genus
Hargeria in 1903 though. So for once, a dinosaur got to be named before its
eponymous arthropod! Alas, Hargeria seems to be synonymous with Hesperornis,
as Lucas only thought it was so distinct because he incorrectly included what
would become the Parahesperornis alexi holotype in the species gracilis.
Harger, 1879. Notes on New England Isopoda. Proceedings of the United States
National Museum. 79, 157-165.
Lucas, 1903. Notes on the osteology and relationships of the fossil birds of
the genera Hesperornis, Hargeria, Baptornis, and Diatryma. Proceedings of the
United States National Museum. 26, 545-556.
Lang, 1973. Taxonomische und phylogenetische Untersuchungen uber die
Tanaidaceen (Crustacea). 8. Die Gattungen Leptochelia Dana, Heterotanais G.O.
Sars und Nototanais Richardson. Dazu einige Bemerkungen uber die Monokonophora
und ein Nachtrag. Zoologica Scripta. 2, 197-229.
Mickey Mortimer
The Theropod Database http://home.comcast.net/~eoraptor/Home.html