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Re: BALD EAGLE! yikes!
(Now stand back and wait for the obligatory flood of emails pointing
out that the eagle was not just an avian-dino DESCENDANT. *sigh*)
BTW. B tH, I cited a couple of your DML messages on the most recent
Sauropod Vertebra Picture of the Week post, and off-topic rant on the
price of the dumb Anatomical Record issue:
2009/9/3 B tH <soylentgreenistrex@yahoo.com>:
> I live within a quarter-mile of what once was the largest entirely-excavated
> man-made lake in the world. I am sure by now Lake Paul Wallace has been
> surpassed - it's still a fair-sized lake.
> So anyway about an hour ago I was outside checking on the canteloupes when
> this huge shadow goes over me - it's either aliens landing or a hawk, I think
> - lots of red-tailed hawks and a few ospreys here. But I look up and it is a
> BALD EAGLE - white head, white tail, and it was low enough to distinguish the
> eye. He/she made a few passes completely ignoring me (pretty sure it knew it
> could take me out at any time) and then the little light bulb goes on in my
> I got back out and it was cruising much higher in the air - managed to get
> two pics with very little color on the bird. This is only the second time
> I've seen one in the wild - the other instance was in the late Seventies at
> NASA in Florida when one took off out of a tree looking like a small Cesna
> aircraft. Huge birds.
> I went searching for some info on them on the web and came across two
> interesting statements - one that they may be as old as 28 million years as a
> genus and that they are the second largest eagle in N.A. When I was growing
> up textbooks listed the bald eagle as number one, but now the roles of it and
> the golden eagle are reversed? They find a huge golden eagle specimen in the
> recent past?
> Anyway, the avian-dino descendent thrill of my day! Some good bird-watchers
> with a telephoto lens could probably get some good feeding shots of them out
> on the lake.