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Re: Phorusrhacids killing large mammals in National Geographic Channel
Still don't know if there's a way to get more of the header displayed in
Anyway, a herbivorous diet for *Gastornis* has been defended in
Magnificent Mihirungs, where it says that this kind of beak shape is
ideal for viciously ripping out the heart of a... palm tree.
frank bliss schrieb:
Applying this to dinosaurs would be impossible except to say that your
basic dinosaur probably didn't have the cleanest dental hygene and
therefore a bite from almost anything can and could turn into a nasty
infection. Don't let a Varanus kimodoesnsis get his teeth on you or
you'll be taking antibiotics for a while assuming you get away.
Nasty! There has been a lot of chatter about species of dinosaurs
have used the flora living in their mouths by just getting a bite in,
stepping back and being patient letting the infection kill their
intended prey. They avoid a greater risk of injury in a fight that
way. Something about survival advantage......
Most, if not all, of the tale of the nasty bacteria in *Varanus
komodoensis* (that's right: ko-mo-do-en-sis) spittle is demonstrably
false. The symptoms of being bitten don't fit an infection, but they fit
snake venoms, and indeed the beast produces a pretty serious venom. Was
all over the science news a year or three ago.