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K and T Dykes writes:
> <<Dr Steve Sweetman's...>>
> Congratulations to Dr Steve! He was a mere mister about a year
> ago, as far as I recall. He's been coming up with up with nice
> Wealden mammal teeth from the Isle of Wight, and that always
> deserves a doctorate.
I have Steve's Ph.D dissertation sitting on top of the piano in the
very room where I write this: his and my adviser lent it to me as an
example of what a model dissertation should be like. And it is indeed
exemplary verging on intimidating ... even if he does give only a page
or two to sauropod material.
_/|_ ___________________________________________________________________
/o ) \/ Mike Taylor <mike@indexdata.com> http://www.miketaylor.org.uk
)_v__/\ "For the 1995-96 season lint output is forecast at 257,000 tonnes
compared with 254,000 tonnes last season and the bumper crop of
416,000 tonnes in 1993-94" -- Financial Times, 15th December 1995
- References:
- Re:
- From: K and T Dykes <ktdykes@arcor.de>