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RE: Ah, Wikipedia...

> From: owner-DINOSAUR@usc.edu [mailto:owner-DINOSAUR@usc.edu] 
> On Behalf Of evelyn sobielski
> Sent: Tuesday, July 22, 2008 3:58 PM
> To: dinosaur@usc.edu
> Subject: AW: Ah, Wikipedia...
> > A place to just make stuff up...
> > 
> > http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Haxassauras
> Any dino article that capitalized the species epithet gets my 
> alarm bells ringing...
> Nice try though. Gets the lingo right, supplies citations. 
> Should we leave it stand and see how it evolves?
> Always good to know on Wikipedia:
> {{check}} -> "verification needed" tag
> {{cn}} -> "citation needed" tag
> {{disputed}} -> the dreaded "The factual accuracy of this 
> article is disputed." tag
> I use the former two a lot.

Note that the Journal of Paleontology is only on volume 82 (and will not get
to volume 151 until 2077), and that they don't publish articles with titles
like "Haxassauras Unearthed: 150 million-year-old Theropod Discovered in
Argentina". And the author of that article is not the person who named the
taxon (no Smith 2008 citations).

Thomas R. Holtz, Jr.
Email: tholtz@umd.edu   Phone: 301-405-4084
Office: Centreville 1216                        
Senior Lecturer, Vertebrate Paleontology
Dept. of Geology, University of Maryland
Fax: 301-314-9661               

Faculty Director, Earth, Life & Time Program, College Park Scholars
Fax: 301-405-0796

Mailing Address:        Thomas R. Holtz, Jr.
                        Department of Geology
                        Building 237, Room 1117
                        University of Maryland
                        College Park, MD 20742 USA