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Stego Shoulders

Dan, Why do you suppose in the older Stego mounts we
see the shoulders positioned farther forward,
resulting in a short neck? When I was a kid it always
suggested these guys were low browsers, but the longer
neck resulting from a more posterior scapular
placement would have given them a lot more motion
potential and feeding versatility, in addition to
dramatically changing their look all together. --Mark
--- Danvarner@aol.com wrote:

> In a message dated 5/11/2007 1:43:34 PM Eastern
> Daylight Time,  
> Danvarner@aol.com writes:
> << Carnegie's webcam at the  Fraley studio is now
> focused on  the assembly of 
> their Stegosaurus remount. Kind  of fun to stop by 
> every day or so. This 
> view is 
> a closer one than previous  images. DV  >>
> Let's try a url: 
> ************************************** See what's
> free at http://www.aol.com.

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