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Re: Drinker and Oryctodromeus (was Re: Dinosaurs burrowed to keep warm)
franklin e. bliss writes:
Certainly animals with large bony protuberances that stick out like
anchors with solid attachment points didn't make a habit of living down a
Warthogs will make use of another species' abandoned den, and they have all
sorts of 'bony protuberances' sticking out of their faces.
That said, I have trouble imagining a stegosaur or large ceratopian going
underground. Then again, elephants are known to go into caves on a regular
basis in Kenya. Although not strictly 'burrowing' behaviour, they *have*
gradually enlarged the caves over the centuries, and it's certainly not the
sort of behaviour you'd expect based solely on elephant skeletal anatomy.
Dann Pigdon
GIS / Archaeologist http://www.geocities.com/dannsdinosaurs
Melbourne, Australia http://heretichides.soffiles.com