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Re: egyptian mystery fossils (joke)

Or, Jimmy Hoffa...

On 4/11/07, Richard W. Travsky <rtravsky@uwyo.edu> wrote:
On Tue, 10 Apr 2007, Tim Williams wrote:
> Adrienne Mayor wrote:
>> The crates, shipped in the 1920s, have been languishing unopened in the
>> warehouse of the Natural History Museum in London for 80-some years.
> OK, this sounds all very exciting, but seriously... If you come across an
> unlabelled crate catalogued as "Tanis, Egypt, 1936" - DON'T OPEN IT!!

Or, a mummy and an urn full of dried tana leaves, OR, a rather large
diameter ring, say, about 22 feet, with strange glyphs on the rim...

Lee Hall
Paleontology Undergraduate,
Montana State University
Bozeman, MT