On 9/29/06, T. Michael Keesey <keesey@gmail.com> wrote:
> - Ax 1987 (I don't have the exact wording, but it would be equivalent
> to something like, "Extant birds and everything sharing more recent
> ancestry with them than with any other extant organism." Under this
> definition, dinosaurs would be a type of avian, not vice versa.)
What happen if we eliminate crocs and akins (and turtles, tortoises
and terrapins) - Crocodylia or Loricata?
> - Actually, I don't know if this has been published, but I know there
> are people who think it should be apomorphy-based.
The clade stemming from the first vertebrate to evolve fligth feathers
and wings.
Benton MJ 2000 - Stems, nodes, crown clades, and rank-free lists: is
Linnaeus dead? Bio. Rev. 75: 633-48.