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Re: four winged Archaeopteryx
The humerus has a greater diameter than the femur, and the radius and ulna
are more robust than the tibia and fibula. If the arms of Archaeopteryx were
display or turning etc while running then the arms should not have been as
strongly built as the running legs. That the opposite is true indicates the
bore the primary load in some form of locomotion. Climbing is a partial
explanation, but only in flight would the arms bear almost or all of the load.
the enormous wings (same wingarea & span/mass ratios as in standard birds),
very large arm muscles much bigger than in normal theropods, and so forth and
you have something that is beyond passive gliding and into some crude form of
powered flight. As for the tail feathers well peacocks fly.
When I manipulated the humerus of Coelophysis rhodesensis in the laterally
facing glenoid of a cast many years ago I had no trouble getting it to go way
above horizontal, diagram in PDW; same with Deinonychus (this is not doable in
all theropods). In Archaeopteryx the glenoid faces at least as laterally.