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Re: Species name etymology

Jaime A. Headden wrote:

The word he
used therefore was to capture the excitement of this monumental discovery and
its implications, but it did not become the "miracle" he might have forseen ?
it was TOO avian-looking it, and had been confused AS a bird without connection
to dinosaurs.

I haven't read the original 1981 description, but, if so, Kurzanov certainly changed his mind. By 1993 he regarded _Avimimus_ as a non-avian theropod that had independently acquired many bird-like characters (including, perhaps, feathers).

<DRYOSAURUS altus - Altus (Latin) = "high" or "deep" - why?>

It was taller than the other hypsilophodonts, certainly, but the name is an
allusion to its tall teeth, which resembled oak leaves. "Tall oak[-toothed]
lizard." I think.

Sounds plausible, but... http://www.dinosauria.com/dml/names/dinod.htm

This thread has made me a little hungry. I'm off to get some "Rhoetosaurus brownies".

