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Carnotaurus sastrei etymology
By the way, the name mentioned for the etymology of
C.sastrei was "Pocho", which is not a real name. the
name of the farm owner is Angel, Don Angel Sastre, and
the son is Anselmo (Pocho). So I think it is proper to
say to the family Sastre, from Chubut, Argentina.
I know, just a detail but, what is life but a detail
on the earth surface.
(Enough drinking of "mahte" for this morning!)
--- Steve Walsh <steve.w@c-point.com> escribió:
> Thanks to Jay and David and some extra digging this
> is my current
> list. Any comments?
> AVIMIMUS portentosus - Possibly "portentous" = of
> monumental
> significance, because Avimimus was such an important
> find ?
> CARNOTAURUS sastrei - referring to the Estancia
> Pocho Sastre, Patagonia
> CHAMOSAURUS belli - referring to the Belly River
> COELOPHYSIS bauri - In honor of Georg Hermann Baur,
> who was at one
> time Marsh's collector, but later wrote articles on
> Marsh's
> inaccurate illustrations
> DRYOSAURUS altus - Altus (Latin) = "Tall", referring
> to its gracile form ?
> EDMONTONIA longiceps - Longus (Latin) = "long" and
> -ceps, referring
> to the length of the species head
> EUOPLOCEPHALUS tutus - Tutus (Latin) = "safe",
> referring to the
> security afforded by its armour
> GALLIMIMUS bullatus - Bulla (Latin) = "stud" or
> "boss", referring to
> the inflated braincase area of the skull
> MAMENCHISAURUS constructus - constructus (Latin) =
> "built", in honour
> of the construction workers who discovered the type
> skeleton
> ORNITHOLESTES hermanni - In honour of Adam Herman,
> preparator of the
> type specimen
> PROTOCERATOSAURUS bradleyi - In honour of its
> discoverer, F. Lewis Bradley
> RHOETOSAURUS brownei - In honour of A. J. Browne,
> manager at the then
> Durham Downs Station
> SHUNOSAURUS lii - Named for Beng Lii, a hydrologist
> and governor of
> olden Sichuan province
> STRUTHIOMIMUS altus - Altus (Latin) = "Tall",
> perhaps referring to
> its gracile form ?
> TROODON formosus - Referring to the island of
> Formosa and alluding to
> the splendor of the island and of the specimen.
> Steve Walsh
> Email: steve.w@c-point.com
> Phone: 8 264 5526 | Mobile: 0422088197
> Outgoing mail is scanned by Norton AntiVirus 2005
Lic. Sebastián Apesteguía
Sección de Paleontología de Vertebrados
Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales 'B. Rivadavia'
Av. Ángel Gallardo 470 (1405) Buenos Aires, ARGENTINA
Tel-fax:5411-49826595 i.193, paleoninja@yahoo.com.ar
Área de Paleontología. Fundación de Historia Natural 'Félix de Azara',
Dto. de Ciencias Naturales y Antropología, CEBBAD, Univ.Maimónides,
V. Virasoro 732 (1405), Buenos Aires, ARGENTINA
Tel-fax: 5411-49051100 i. 1228, secretaria@fundacionazara.org.ar
Departamento de Paleontología. Fundación Patagónica de Ciencias Naturales,
Museo Patagónico de Ciencias Naturales,
General Roca, Río Negro, ARGENTINA
Preguntá. Respondé. Descubrí.
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