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New Refs - GR
I don't think these have been mentioned before:
Vertebrate dinoturbation from the Caturrita Formation (Late Triassic,Paraná
Basin), Rio Grande do
Sul State, Brazil.
Rafael Costa Da Silva, Ismar De Souza Carvalho, & Cibele Schwanke
Gondwana Research, Gondwana Research xx (2006) xxxâ??xxx, 8 pp
The Caturrita Formation is a lithostratigraphic unit that comprises the
sequence of the Paraná Basin. It has been interpreted as deposits of alluvial
plains and
meandering rivers. Purported fossil tracks found in this formation at Faxinal
do Soturno County,
Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil, are concave circular-shaped structures, with a
deformation. Some show digitiform projections, and at least three are aligned.
They are
interpreted as a disruption of the substrate homogeneity caused by bioturbation
of tetrapods. In
some of these there is a distinct
color pattern â?? more reddish than the surrounding substrate. This is
interpreted as a result of
differential diagenesis. The features remain enigmatic tracks but were probably
made by
prosauropod dinosaurs, the dominant terrestrial herbivore group from the end of
the Triassic in
Gondwana strata.
Notes on fossil remains from the Early Cretaceous Lohan Cura Formation, Neuquen
AgustÃn G. Martinelli, Alberto C. Garrido, AnalÃa M. Forasiepi, Ernesto R.
Paz, & Yamila
Gondwana Research, Gondwana Research xx (2006) xxxâ??xxx, 16 pp
In this contribution, we describe an association of fossil remains collected in
the locality of
Cerro de Los Leones, approximately 8 kmsouthwest of the town of Picún Leufú,
Neuquén Province,
Argentina, from different levels of the Albian CullÃn Grande Member, Lohan
Cura Formation. The
fossils include pelecypodan (Neocorbicula dinosauriorum, Neocorbicula
pehuenchensis, and genus
indet.) and gastropodan (Physa wichmanni) molluscs, a mesoeucrocodylian,
possible pterosaurs,
theropods, and sauropods. The sedimentary environment at Cerro de los Leones is
characterized by
fluvial deposits corresponding to a sandy meandering fluvial system. The most
fossiliferous levels
(located in the lower part of the exposed sequence) were developed in a distal
flood plain and
flood basin areas. Sedimentological and paleopedological features suggest
semi-arid conditions
during the deposition of the CullÃn Grande Member. Despite the fragmentary
nature of the
specimens described here, the new information provided from the Albian
assemblages of the Lohan
Cura Formation at the Cerro de Los Leones locality provides a broader panorama
of the composition
of terrestrial faunas during the Early Cretaceous in Patagonia.
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