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Re: Species name etymology
COELOPHYSIS bauri - In honor of Georg Herman Baur, who was at one
time Marsh's collector, but later wrote articles on Marsh's
inaccurate illustrations - correct?
Yes, except he's Hermann.
DRYOSAURUS altus - Altus (Latin) = "high" or "deep" - why?
EDMONTONIA longiceps - Longus (Latin) = "long" and -ceps - why?
EUOPLOCEPHALUS tutus - Tutus (Latin) = "safe" referring to the
security afforded by its armour - (wild guess on my part)
Bingo! :-)
GALLIMIMUS bullatus - Bhel = "to inflate or swell", referring to the
inflated braincase area of the skull - correct?
What, did you go all the way back to reconstructed Proto-Indo-European? What
you need is Latin bulla. Yes, it is about the inflated part.
MAMENCHISAURUS constructus - Constrictus (Latin) = "compress" - why?
There is no typo involved. You cannot derive "constructus" from
"constrictus". The name is meant to honor the construction workers who found
the skeleton. Of course it doesn't work; as it stands, the name just means
ORNITHOLESTES hermanni - Herman?
Some guy whose surname was Hermann...
RHOETOSAURUS brownie - In honor of Henry York Lyell Brown, a
geologist responsible for many vertebrate fossils found in Australia -
*R. browni* of course... are you using a spellchecker? :o)
After someone named Li...
STRUTHIOMIMUS altus - Altus (Latin) = "high" or "deep" - why?
Tall again.
TROODON formosus -
"Splendid" or something. Taiwan used to be known as Formosa because it was
covered with a lush subtropical jungle.