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Re: dinosaur gender designations

--- Scott <hmwh@together.net> wrote:

> Listmembers--
> I have a book--A Guide to Dinosaurs, by
> Brett-Surman--with an illustration
> on page 200 of two Chasmosaurus, and this caption:
> "stags challenging for
> dominance."
> Stags?
> My inclination (being from a bovine state) would
> have been to call them
> "bulls," which I suppose would make the females
> "cows." Is there a propriety
> of gender-naming here that I need to know about? And
> if "stags" is correct,
> does that make a female chasmosaurus a "hind"? Or a
> "doe"?

Genders are not diagnosable for dinos. yet.

Stags & Hinds (e.g. red deer)
Bucks & Does (e.g. fallow deer)


> Scott Perry
> High Mountain Writers' House
> Irasburg, Vermont

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