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Re: 1970s Children's dino book

I can remember reading Dinosaurs and More Dinosaurs in a doctor's office as a kid, and also getting lost in the strange atmosphere the images evoked. Sepia tones and weird textures in the images (monoprints?) by George Solonevich. The cover is shown here:


At my first trip to the AMNH as a boy, my parents picked up The Last of the Dinosaurs published by Bellerophon Books. Dense black and white illustrations with everything identified, even the plants! It includes a great picture of Bradycneme as a giant owl peering from a conifer branch while two Struthiosaurus amble past. I was so impressed with this one that I tried to recreate it for a friend by drawing and labelling each of the animals on the pages of a notepad.

Bellerophon Books still lists it on their website, although it is sadly out of stock:

http://www.bellerophonbooks.com/shopsys/shopdisplayproducts.asp? id=22&cat=Dinosaurs

