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Re: 1970s Children's dino book
Did it have a yellow time line at the bottom
stretching through every page? If so it's a
bracheosaurus on the front. And the Mural God himself
does the art.
I think that's one of the big four (from the late
sixties/ seventies anyway). HOw and Why wonder book,
Little Golden Book of Dinosaurs, (my fav and first
dino book) Big Little book/my little book of dinosaurs
and the one I think you are describing.
I wonder how many know Dinosaurs and more dinosaurs.
It's got the weird shadow art that still gives me
pause as it creates a feeling I don't know if I can
--- Ian Paulsen <birdbooker@zipcon.net> wrote:
> HI:
> All this chatting about the dino artwork that
> inspired youths into dinos
> had me wondering about a book I used as a kid in the
> 1970s. It was
> hardbound, thicker than the How and Why book and
> with a larger page size
> than All About Dinosaurs book. It had color
> illustrations with a Sauropod
> on the cover (Brontosaurus?). Any ideas as to which
> book I'am thinking of?
> --
> Ian Paulsen
> Bainbridge Island, WA, USA
> A.K.A.: "Birdbooker"
> "Rallidae all the way!"
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