(So is Quaternary.)
False. Or rather, it's gone but has been recommended for return in a
rather (in my opinion) ugly form. Here is the short form of the
recommendation by the "Quaternary Task Group jointly of the International
Commission on Stratigraphy (ICS, of the International
Union of Geological Sciences, IUGS) and of theInternational Union for
Quaternary Research (INQUA)":
The Quaternary Task Group recommends that the Quaternary be:
(1) An officially ratified geochronologic/chronostratigraphic unit of the
international geologic
time scale,
(2) Defined as the interval from the GSSP base of the Gelasian Stage
(approximately 2.59 Ma)
of the late Pliocene Epoch to the Present, and
(3) Assigned the geochronologic rank of Period or Sub-Era within the
Cenozoic Era. [A
majority (6 of 8) considered Period acceptable, and a lesser majority (5
of 8) found
Sub-Era to be acceptable.]
Here's the complete recommendation at the ICS website
Bad, BAD Cenozoic stratigraphers! We let you get away with too much for
too long! And now you want a period (or Sub-Era) whose
boundaries are NOT CONGRUENT with Stage boundaries!?!?