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Re: Chicxulub's Antipode (Re: cause of death at KT)
Phillip Bigelow wrote:
As an aside:
I read a paper some years ago about how tsunamis would interact with
different geometries of land masses. The paper was mostly theoretical,
but very revealing. It turns out that if a tsunami in deep water hits a
hypothetical vertical wall of land (i.e., a wall extending from
bathyal/abyssal depth to the surface), the surface expression of this
collision will be a plume of water traveling a thousand+ feet *straight
upward*. Not the usual slosh-over-land scenario seen on typical
coastlines. Vertical walls also reflect a substantial percentage of the
tsunami (think of a standing wave). In nature, no such geometry exists
on that scale, the closest being undersea volcanos with 70-80 degree
slopes (but they don't form walls of rock).
There are huge near vertical cliffs off the coast of western Tasmania -
I remember seeing the images a few years ago when they were first
mapped, and they are spectacular. I found a reference to them at
http://www.agu.org/sci_soc/exon.html#figure1, but unfortunately the
images won't load into my browser. The text is still of interest, though:
"The South Tasman Rise, a submerged continental block larger than
Tasmania, extends from 44° to 50°S. About three-quarters of it, or
150,000 km², was mapped (Figure 1
<http://www.agu.org/sci_soc/exon.html#figure1>). The rise only sank
completely below the ocean in the last 40 m.y., and parts of it are less
than 1000 m deep. Spectacular faults and giant fault blocks were seen in
water depths of 2500-4500 m on its western and eastern sides. The
submarine cliffs dwarf anything on Australia, reaching 2300 m high in
one place, and have slopes averaging 20° (Figure 3
<http://www.agu.org/sci_soc/exon.html#figure3>). The rise is
current-swept, so Neogene sediment cover is thin or absent. It consists
of about 20% outcropping rock and 80% sedimentary cover and has outcrops
of ancient basement rocks like schist, gneiss, granite, and Paleozoic
sediments, as well as younger Mesozoic sediments and Tertiary basalts."
Colin McHenry
School of Environmental and Life Sciences (Geology)
University of Newcastle
Callaghan NSW 2308
Tel: +61 2 4921 5404
Fax: + 61 2 4921 6925