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Re: Cold could contribute to croc chlamydia outbreak
Opportunistic infections as a result of environmental stress. One
more of the many effects from the initial cause to add to our list.
Not a final nail, just one of the many. It wasn't just an impactor,
but the secondary effects, all of them together contributing to the
overall result of extinction to any one particular species. STD's
are the gift that keeps on giving though I would suspect that
reproduction was the last thing on any particular dinosaurs mind
under the severe environmental stress of the moment. Novel way to
stay warm through a nuclear winter.
Frank (Rooster) Bliss
MS Biostratigraphy
Weston, Wyoming
On Sep 3, 2006, at 8:24 PM, Dann Pigdon wrote:
I saw this news item, and wondered whether it had any bearing on
dinosaurian K/T survivors (the 'final nail in the coffin' as it were):
Cold could contribute to croc chlamydia outbreak
Northern Territory researchers looking into an outbreak of
chlamydia among the Top End's crocodiles say the cold weather
during the dry spell may be to blame.
Last month thousands of captive baby crocodiles tested positive to
the sexually transmitted disease.
Department of Primary Industries and Fisheries staff believe the
strain of chlamydia is unique to salt water crocodiles.
The researchers also believe the unusually cold dry season and
exposure of hatchlings to older disease-carrying crocodiles is
contributing the outbreak.
The researchers will conduct DNA analysis of the outbreak and hope
to find out the origin of the disease within the next few weeks.
Dann Pigdon
GIS / Archaeologist http://heretichides.soffiles.com
Melbourne, Australia http://www.geocities.com/dannsdinosaurs