On Fri, Mar 10, 2006 at 01:02:21PM -0600, Matthew Burton-Kelly
They're fragmentary evidence as far as behaviour inference goes.
Footprints can tell you what the bottoms of the feet MAY have been
doing at the time (different behaviours may result in similar
prints, and vise versa). However there's more to an animal's
behaviour than just what their feet are doing (or MIGHT have been
Perhaps the parental triceratops were carrying the babies? My first
image when I read this was of lions carrying cubs around by the
of the neck.
We're talking a critter with a massive, sharp, tree-devouring beak,
here, plus a largish clutch size.
We're also talking _very small_ juveniles compared to the adults; it's
not like mammalian herd animals when the juveniles are mostly leg and
able to keep up shortly after birth.