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Re: Seven Rules for Making a Science Documentary

--- Phil Bigelow <bigelowp@juno.com> wrote:

> I thought that some list members may find the
> following interesting
> (particularly those who have to deal with the press
> on a regular basis):
> http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/neutrino/producer.html
> I am in strong agreement with this guy's philosophy.
>  It's too bad that
> it isn't universally shared.
> <pb>
> --

Good Article. I would ad not making the documentory
about yourself. So many I see today, desperate for
fame et all, inject themselves into every other shot
as if their reactions are more interesting than the
subject itself.

Case in point. Saw an doc about an uninhappitated
island in the galapoges that is near impossible for a
human to get on and off of. The documentarian got left
on the island and would not be able to get off for 30
odd days. Though his story was certainly a part of the
over all tale I watched more because I was interested
in the envirenment and the animals. Especially an eel
that comes out of the water to grab crabs. The guy was
so obsessed with his own inane ramblings that he
focust less than five minutes on the animals and only
seconds on the eel he had been dangling in the viewers
face from the beginning of the edited film. 

I was incensed enought to want to write a letter to
the national Geographic Society as their name was a
part of the production. 

Has anyone noticed this trend? Am I making an issue
out of something that is not really that big of deal?

I hope I'm not going as coo coo as that guy on the
island did about 20th day on the insand?

Andrew S.

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