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Re: rearing elephant photo/s

On 1/29/06, GSP1954@aol.com <GSP1954@aol.com> wrote:
> I sent this to David rather then the list in general by mistake.
> There was an absolutely gorgeous (artistically speaking) photo of an elephant
> rearing to feed on the cover of Natural History Magazine (AMNH) a few years
> ago (my slide crops out the date). It too shows the surrounding vegetation
> including the ground a bright green, which is one reason the picture is so 
> pretty,
> no sign of drought. I wonder if its the same one as on the back of that
> ecology book.
> David said it sounded like it. I lost track of the URL for the on-line
> rearing elephant photo which may be the same.
> G Paul

Oddly enough I remember seeing a rearing elephant in a book cover. So
I did some net searching...
Lo and behold: http://covers.allbookstores.net/c/1127410133/book/full/0136717691

This book is in my university's library so if anyone wants a scan and
crop, just ask :-)

And while we're on the subject of elephants and awkward postures:
Mighty effort indeed :-D

Renato Santos

I like to collect art galleries displaying my own work:
If you didn't get it by now, the subliminal order is "Go see" *does
queer gestures with hands*