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Hands up - Dryosaurus

Dear All,

Here is a quick question about the ornithopod Dryosaurus.

Can anyone tell me if the hands (or parts of the hands) are preserved in this 
taxon? If so, do you happen to know in which museum the material is to be 
found? Or, where illustrations of the material has been published, or is 
visible on a web site? Alternatively, pointers to anyone who might be able to 
provide me with the relevant information would also be very welcome. Please 
reply directly to: david.unwin@rz.hu-berlin.de.



PS If there is anyone out there who has not yet purchased a copy of The 
Pterosaurs, stop wasting your money on food and buy a copy now!    

David M. Unwin PhD

Curator for Fossil Reptiles and Birds
Institut fur Palaontologie, MUSEUM FUR NATURKUNDE 
Zentralinstitut der Humboldt-Universitat zu Berlin
Invalidenstrasse 43, D-10115 Berlin, GERMANY

Email: david.unwin@rz.hu-berlin.de

Office:    0049 30 2093 8577 
Secretary: 0049 30 2093 8862
Fax        0049 30 2093 8868

Would you like funds to visit the Museum für Naturkunde, Berlin?
Then go to:  www.synthesys.info
Would you like to catch up on the latest ideas about pterosaurs? 
Then read: THE PTEROSAURS http://www.pipress.net/html/catalog.html