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Re: smallest dino eggs

On 9/30/05, Phil Bigelow <bigelowp@juno.com> wrote:
> If we want to get pedantic about the whole issue, then the eggs of the
> living Bee Hummingbird (_Mellisuga helenae_) of Cuba may hold the
> all-time dino record in the teensee egg category.  ;-)
> The adult bird itself weighs in at around 1.95 grams, so its diminutive
> eggs are probably a spectacle to behold.

Or a spectacle to squint at.

These new eggs do seem to be the record for Mesozoic archosauromorphs, though.
Mike Keesey
The Dinosauricon: http://dino.lm.com
Parry & Carney: http://parryandcarney.com