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Fw: 7th Federal Fossil Conference

Tuesday seems to be "Forwardable Message Day".


--------- Forwarded message ----------
From: James Kirkland <jameskirkland@utah.gov>
To: vrtpaleo@usc.edu
Date: Tue, 01 Nov 2005 14:54:30 -0700
Subject: 7th Federal Fossil Conference
Message-ID: <s36781c0.097@gwia2.state.ut.us>

The call for papers is out for the 7th Federal Conference on Fossil
Resourses to be held with New Mexico Museum of Natural History in
Albuquerque, New Mexico.

Please spread this information around to all interested parties and list

This is an important conference held every 4 years. Anyone conducting
research on federal land should be there (management agencies BLM, NFS,
NPS, and even Bur. of Rec.). You really cannot gripe about changing rules
or your own pet peeves unless you take part. This is your chance to
interact with our various land management agencies.

Please check out:

In part, to get more academics to take part, there wil be a Late
Cretaceous Vertebrate symposium and field trip (San Juan Basin) as part
of conference.

Lets all get together so we can work together.



Thank you for your interest in participating in the upcoming symposium to
be held in Albuquerque, NM on May 23rd 2006 in conjunction with the 7th
Federal Fossil Conference (May 22-24, 2006) sponsored by the New Mexico
Museum of Natural History and Science and the Bureau of Land Management,
Albuquerque, New Mexico.

At this time we are soliciting titles for abstracts, short papers/notes
and full length papers to be published in the Bulletin of the New Mexico
Museum of Natural History and Science. The bulletin will be published in
May and distributed at the time of the symposium. Therefore, contributors
must have their papers submitted no later than 31st March 2006 to be
included in this volume. No exceptions. You do not need to be present at
the symposium to submit a paper (or papers). If you are submitting more
than one contribution please replicate the bottom part of this form for
each title. Authors are responsible for seeing that each contribution is
reviewed by two appropriate authorities the names of which will be
forwarded to the editors at the time of manuscript submission.

Please return the following information to no later than 15th of
November, 2005 so that we can begin to plan the symposium volume and

Name: James I. Kirkland, Rene Hernandez-Rivera,

Title: ____________________________________________________________



select one:      ? abstract     ? short paper/note      ? full paper

I also intend to present this contribution as a: 
? poster        ? oral presentation     ? undecided

Return this form via email to: rsullivan@state.pa.us

James I. Kirkland Ph. D.
State Paleontologist 
Utah Geological Survey
1594 West North Temple, Suite 3110
P.O. Box 146100
Salt Lake City, UT 84114-6100

(801) 537-3307   FAX (801) 537-3400