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Re: Sereno's (2005) new definitions
> Yes, I agree with what you're saying, especially since Allen (2004)
> found it to be non-dinosaurian, whether including the skull or not.
Ah! I completely forgot that one! What's the ref?
> Maybe (Coelophysis bauri <- Liliensternus
> liliensterni) would be better for Coelophysidae?
If we don't want an undivided Coelophysoidea (which is de facto what we're
having), then *Dilophosaurus* might be best...
> Eh, we already have Pygostylia, Avebrevicauda, Euornithes and
> Ornithuromorpha for those. I prefer the historical precidence of
> Gauthier's definition.
But Gauthier himself does not :-)
And I don't want to have *Rahonavis* or *Shenzhouraptor* in there either.
What about a node-based one anchored on *Hesperornis* or maybe
*Apsaravis*? Some clade in that region needs a name anyway, and Ornithurae
has been often used for suchlike.
> >*Coelurus* might not be that bad after all. Isn't
> >Coelurosauria named after it?
> I don't think so. But if it is, I agree Coelurus should be used. The
> paper's in German (so I can't read it; though I do have a pdf)
Ah, then just send it to me, and I'll translate it over the holidays. :-)
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