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RE: My $0.02 re Peter Jackson/s King Kong
From: James Farlow <farlow@ipfw.edu>
Reply-To: farlow@ipfw.edu
To: dinosaur@usc.edu
Subject: My $0.02 re Peter Jackson/s King Kong
Date: Fri, 16 Dec 2005 10:15:51 -0500
I saw the movie yesterday. Parts of it I liked, but overall I was
I really liked the relationship between Kong and Ann Darrow in the new
movie. It struck me as a reasonable interspecific friendship.
umm...my grasp on nomeclature's probably outdated, but wouldn't it be an
intraspecific relationship?
just wondering.
I thought the new version made an effort to portray Kong as a real
great ape--I liked the scene where he nibbles on foliage, for example.
Ditto the dinosaurs. As I've noticed in a lot of computer-generated
effects in movies, the animals in stampedes or fights movd so quickly
they were almost a blur.
to my eyes, the only time they blurred, was when they were a living
I was disappointed by the dinosaurs in a lot of ways. Most of them
just didn't look like real animals to me. And there weren't enough
different kinds of them.
well, it _is_ an island. can't have the entire [insert name of any fossil
fauna site] prancing about on Skull Island, yes?
I was hoping for a Stegosaurus, and more than
a cameo shot by a ceratopsian.
And the tyrannosaurs...it LOOKED to me like one them bit Kong on the
arm, but Kong retains the use of said arm?
me-thinks Kong's kind have greater fat/(subcutaneous armor) than humans
No way. I would have had
Kong desperately avoiding those jaws as much as he tried to protect Ann.
he did. but he had to prioritize.
(and sometimes they caught him by surprise)
what species was it supposed to be?
couldn't it be a genus endemic to that island? *curious*
And those killer bats...Given that the remains of several generations
of Kong's species are nearby, obviously the apes have occupied the site
for quite some time. So why would they choose to hang out among such
nasty neighbors? And turning it around, wouldn't the bats have figured
out a LONG time ago that the big apes were difficult prey?
on the third hand, what scavengers/predators would bother a bat roost in Ape