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Re: Kong: You Saw It Here First
In a message dated 12/4/2005 4:22:32 PM Eastern Standard Time,
bigelowp@juno.com writes:
<< I saw an early review on T.V., and they noted that in the original Kong
movie, the director had cut a scene where people had fallen into a web
inhabited by a giant spider, which proceeded to slowly eat them.
(supposably, the scene was cut because it was considered too graphic for
a 1930s audience).
>From what the reviewers said (rather cryptically, I might add), Jackson
recreated that scene exactly the way it was filmed, using only 1930s
technology, B&W film stock and all. >>
The spider pit sequence was cut for pacing. Director Cooper thought it
"stopped" the picture for plot reasons. There were many critters and it was a
fast-paced scene apparently.
Jackson didn't recreate the scene exactly, because the original film is still
lost. Instead he used original drawings, photos and the script and recreated
it the best he could. The recreation of the original "look" was done in the
computer. This is all beautifully covered in the DVD. It is a great homage',
and many thanks to Mr. Jackson. DV