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RE: New sauropod dinosaur found in Brazil
Citando Tommy Bradley <htomsirveaux@hotmail.com>:
> Cool, I have no opinion what so ever on a possible name for it! :-P
> Anyhoo, is there an English version of this page?
> Tommy Bradley
Don't think there is any. But I can take a crack at translating (I'm
During a discussion over the creationism/evolution debate a lad reffers seeing
at a farmer's house rocks that looked like bones. The Biology professor was
intrigued by that information for a few days.
He decided to take his camera and went to the farmer's house. After some
bartering, the farmer showed the professor a room with the floor covered in
fossil bones. The teacher identified a vertebra as not from an elephant as the
farmer thought but from a sauropod's tail.
So the paleontologist that sent this article to the list was called. The
factuality of the find confirmed and that particular vertebra identified as a
new species of sauropod.
Hope this satisfies you,
Renato Santos