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Dwarf quadruped dinosaurs

Small size and quadrupedal posture will be in perfect concordance if morphological constraints does not support other thing, beyond size.

There are a lot of structural constraints that would make a full grown Apatosaurus probably as quadrupedal as a juvenile of its own. Furthermore, those sauropod intra-generic structural constraints would make a dwarf Magyarosaurus as quadrupedal as a bulky Epachthosaurus.

However, some lineages, such as dwarf horse-sized saltasaurine titanosaurs (e.g. Neuquensaurus, Saltasaurus) have some poorly discussed specializations on the ilium, sacrum and limb proportions that would have make these guys facultative bipeds (see ?The Titanosaur metacarpus? in the forthcoming ?Sauropodomorpha: The Thunder lizards?). But their partially biped possibilities have probably nothing to do with size (as demonstrated by quadruped dwarf ankylosaurians), but to morphological features proper of its lineage.

Dwarf saltasaurines were related to a Northern Patagonia Latest K island environment (Apesteguia, S. 2002. Greater Gondwana and the Kawas sea coastal tetrapod fauna, Campanian-Maastrichtian. Boletim do 6º Simpósio sobre o Cretáceo do Brasil / 2º Simposio sobre el Cretácico de América del Sur. Sao Pedro, Brasil: 143-147. AND Apesteguia, S. 2002. Successional structure in continental tetrapod faunas from Argentina along the Cretaceous. Boletim do 6º Simpósio sobre o Cretáceo do Brasil / 2º Simposio sobre el Cretácico de América del Sur. Sao Pedro, Brasil: 135-141), a fact reinforced by the ?Carnotaurus? genic drift (see VARGAS, A. 2002. La extrema reducción del radio y ulna en la evolución de ?Carnotaurus sastrei?: Posible pérdida de función de los genes Hoxa11 y Hoxd11. Ameghiniana 39: 17R).

The same kind of environment is probably related to the subsistence in Southern Gondwana (Northern Patagonia and Antarctic Peninsula) of dwarf ankylosaurs and (if it is not an iguanodontian lower jaw!) small ceratopsians such as ?Notoceratops? and even dwarf carcharodontosaurids (see 2004 Argentinian Meeting of Vertebrate Paleontology abstracts, or I?ll post the abstract after the meeting at my web site). Of course, dwarfs carchs are still bipeds!

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