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resent in plain text AMNH online courses

I am resending since some people could not read the earlier message.  


Please pass this on to any interested and feel free to post on bulletin
boards and other listservs.


Thanks in advance!


Jenny Lando
Assistant Coordinator/ Paleontology of Dinosaurs
Moveable Museum
American Museum Of Natural History
Central Park West @ 79th Street
NYC NY 10024


Register today for a Seminars on Science course!


We are offering four courses this fall (October 6th - November 16th):

* Dinosaurs Among Us: The Link to Birds

* Earth: Inside and Out

* Genetic, Genomics, Genethics

* Frontiers in Physical Science

Each course is $200. Graduate credits and CEUs are available from the
following institutions for an additional fee:
* Adams State College (3 grad hours, $270)

* Plymouth State University (3 grad hours, $400)


To find out more, go to: http://learn.amnh.org/welcome.php?w=MOVF031


To register for one or more of our fall courses, go to:


You can register by going to the Web site above, printing and completing
the registration form (available in pdf and text formats), and either
faxing or mailing it to us as specified on the form.

Enrollments are limited, so interested individuals are encouraged to
register as soon as possible.


Questions? Comments? Email sosinfo@amnh.org