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Re: Encyclopaedia & A Field Guide to Dinosaurs plus a new CD from Australia

I just want to put in my two cents that I think Graeme's CD is "da bomb" as the "hip" kids say. As I was just explaining to Nick Gardener, it's like a miniature version of Glut's dinosaur encyclopedia series, with almost 2500 pages of information, including specimen lists, maps, taxa diagnoses, etc. Can't go wrong with this one, folks...

Jordan Mallon

Undergraduate Student, Carleton University
Vertebrate Paleontology & Paleoecology

Website: http://www.geocities.com/paleoportfolio/
AIM: jslice mallon

From: Dann Pigdon <dannj@alphalink.com.au>
Reply-To: dannj@alphalink.com.au
To: DML <dinosaur@usc.edu>
Subject: Re: Encyclopaedia & A Field Guide to Dinosaurs plus a new CD from Australia
Date: Tue, 09 Sep 2003 07:07:50 +1000

Roger Smith wrote:

> Might I also mention this latest CD 'The DINOSAUR ENCYCLOPAEDIA' from
> Australia (version 7) which features...

The new PDF version looks great. You can also see a few screenshots from
my page:


Dann Pigdon                   Australian Dinosaurs:
GIS / Archaeologist         http://www.geocities.com/dannsdinosaurs
Melbourne, Australia        http://www.alphalink.com.au/~dannj/

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