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SVP Student Forum - Thank You!

I wish to echo Chris Brochu's thank you for all of the help (donations, etc.) with the reprint exchange! The event was an absolute success, and I can assure you that the reprints went to students who need them. Everyone there got something of interest! Thank you to all of the students, too, for making sure the event went smoothly. There wasn't a single fist-fight! :-)

Also, a big thank you to all of the presenters at the student forum and for the student participants. The event went quite well, and it was very well attended, too. It's exciting to see such a dynamic group involved in SVP! Students (undergraduate and graduate alike) were a substantial portion of the oral and poster presentations, and there is some pretty cool work going on out there!

Finally, please continue to write in with any ideas, suggestions, etc., for ways that SVP can better serve the students. In the coming months, I hope to expand the SVP lodging directory (always looking for any more suggestions to add to it!), as well as add new features to the website. Also, I'm looking for new ways to expand and improve the student forum.

See you all next year!

Andy Farke
SVP Student Liaison

Andrew A. Farke, Graduate Student
Department of Anatomical Sciences
Stony Brook University
T8 040 Health Science Center
Stony Brook, NY  11794-8081

Phone: 631-444-7364

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