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Re: help?
> > This is Dan Chure's yet-to-be-named new species of Allosaurus. The
> specimen
> > used to be called "the headless wonder" until the skull was find by the
> > ingenious use of radioactive probing.
> >
> > The monograph describing this specimen is in press, and will be a Must
> Have
> > book for theropod osteology.
> >
> > Thomas R. Holtz, Jr.
> > Vertebrate Paleontologist
> > Department of Geology Director, Earth, Life & Time Program
> > University of Maryland College Park Scholars
> > College Park, MD 20742
> > http://www.geol.umd.edu/~tholtz/tholtz.htm
> > http://www.geol.umd.edu/~jmerck/eltsite
> > Phone: 301-405-4084 Email: tholtz@geol.umd.edu
> > Fax (Geol): 301-314-9661 Fax (CPS-ELT): 301-405-0796
Dear list,
I was told by the powers that be, that it has been been named
Madseni (or Jamesmadseni ) in honor of Jim Madsen, Utah's old state
paleontologist, and owner of Dinolab. It was Ray Jones who found the
complete skull with his radiation detecting doohickie thingamabober. I have
seen it in action, and it is very impressive. Ray has actually had two
dinosaurs, that he found with it, named after him and his wife. The
dinosaurs are Anamantrix Rayjonesi, ( sp.? ) and Eolambia Caroljonesi,
respectively. The Joneses now live about thirty miles south of me, deep in
the heart of dino country in Emery County, Utah.
Cliff Green