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Re: In regards to peer reviews of 'Feathered Dinosaurs and the Origin of flight'
I'm glad that the Czerkas team is answering back, although they should have
taken their queries directly to Dino. The same Czerkas e-mail was sent to me
previously and I invited them to write to the dinolist and clarify issues.
I was just passing the message as a courtesy to a well-reputed researcher and
it should be obvious that I have nothing whatsoever against the Czerkas team
(as people or as anything else).
However, if there are technical problems with the papers, the resposibility may
lay with the peer reviewers and their reputation can be at stake. I understand
that Dino Frey was concerned since what he saw was obviously not of his liking
(at the level of technical construction).
And he knows. As Tom Holtz pointed out in a previous long review in this list
there were serious technical problems. I still have no opinion since I haven't
seen the volume. I'll be happy to review it with my own opinions when I see
However, I don't see why Dino Frey would be lying to me or anybody else about
something that he himself did and could have been proud and happy of doing.
We might have been confused about what specimens were submitted or not to
Nature (I'll admit to that).
But one thing it's obvious: He spotted the same mistakes that Tom spotted and
made it clear to me and everyone else. He made also clear the the proceedings
he took and described them to me in detail. So he is obvioulsy not lying.
And science should be there open for dialogue and criticism.... but hey, that's
me talking.
This is looking like a cop thriller instead of a Science Fiction one.
"Tracy L. Ford" wrote:
> I was asked to pass this along...
> Dear Tracy:
> Would you please post the following letter in response to Luis Rey's?
> Luis Rey:
> The things that you have reported are not true.
> All of the papers in The Dinosaur Museum Journal went through the formal
> peer review process.
> Eberhard "Dino" Frey was invited to peer review two of the Journal papers.
> He accepted, and provided professional and constructive comments. At no time
> did he suggest this material not be published, or make the type of remarks
> you stated.
> None of the papers in The Dinosaur Museum Journal Volume One, "Feathered
> Dinosaurs and the Origin of Flight" were submitted to the Journal Nature for
> consideration. The old "Archaeoraptor" paper was submitted, but the new
> "Archaeovolans" paper is entirely different, and was not submitted to
> Nature.
> You should wait until you have seen the Journal instead of making uninformed
> criticism.
> Sylvia Czerkas, Editor
> Tracy L. Ford
> P. O. Box 1171
> Poway Ca 92074
Luis Rey
Visit my website on http://www.ndirect.co.uk/~luisrey